(Latin: suffix; expressing ability, capacity, fitness, or "that which may be easily handled or managed")
Just a few examples out of hundreds of words presented as the noun forms of -able; forming nouns of quality from, or corresponding to, adjectives in -able; the quality in an agent that makes an action possible. The suffix -ible has related meanings.
The characteristics of electromagnetic vulnerabilities consist of a system that can cause it to suffer a definite degradation (incapability of performing a designated mission) as a result of having been subjected to a certain level of electromagnetic environmental effects.
The adeptness at tolerating hardships, strain, and deprivation without giving up: The endurability of the refugees walking the whole distance from Syria to Europe is shown by their stamina in bearing every difficulty that has come their way.
The capacity of being constant, invariant, steady, unchanging: Mr. Adams checked the temperature every day and the equability of good weather enabled him to make some plans for his garden.
evaporable (adjective), more evaporable, most evaporable
Descriptive of that which can change or cause to change from a liquid or solid state to a mist or steam: There are certain evaporable fluids that can be turned into a more concentrated residue which remains after the evaporation process has taken place.
1. The quality of being readily enthusiastic or feeling eager to do something: Byron noticed the excitability of his dog when he was about to take it out for a walk.
2. The reactions manifested by living organisms, and the elements and tissues of which they are constituted, by responding to the actions of stimulants: Dr. Wolf told Etta that she had a nervous excitability that was being influenced by the physical, chemical, and electrical forces in her body.
2. The reactions manifested by living organisms, and the elements and tissues of which they are constituted, by responding to the actions of stimulants: Dr. Wolf told Etta that she had a nervous excitability that was being influenced by the physical, chemical, and electrical forces in her body.
The possibility of a woman, or a female animal, giving birth within a given time period, especially during a certain month or menstrual cycle: Some medical authorities have determined that smoking, caffeine, or alcohol use among parents have a serious affect on the fecundability of a mother-to-be.
The capability of producing gradual chemical changes in which bacteria, enzymes, etc., change sugar into alcohol and produce carbon dioxide: The fermentability of yeasts can be seen in certain foods when alcohol is produced.
Fermentability is possible in a process resulting in alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, and whiskey.
The capacity of a fetus to survive outside the womb following birth: Fetal viability is dependent mainly on the organ maturity or development of the baby and of the environmental circumstances.
Historically, a fetus was thought to be capable of living after the 20th gestational week. But, in reality. a baby does not have much of a chance to survive when it is born before 24 completed weeks of gestation.
The quality of being able to maintain a fire; burnability: Jane wasn't sure of the flammability of the matches she had because they had been outside and were quite moist!.
The capacity to make frequent and irregular changes; able to make a variety of movements or actions: The fluctuability that an owl shows with turning its head in an almost complete circle is something that really catches one's eyes!
Long stems of grass or grain growing on the fields show a great amount of fluctuability when the wind blows and causes the long stems to turn in all directions.
fluctuable (adjective); more fluctable, most fluctuable
Descriptive of something which wavers or constantly changes position: The waves of the ocean are considered to be quite fluctuable, invariably rising and falling, and always on the move!
1. The quality of being difficult to accomplish or to deal with: Fighting and surviving the terrible fires in California in 2017 and 2020 have been the worst formidabilities the state has ever experienced before.
2. The caliber of something that is large and impressive in size or amount: As a computer technician, James has proven that he has mastered the formidabilities involved with setting up many efficient electronic devices for storing and processing data systems with several big companies, as well as training the individuals who must work with them.
2. The caliber of something that is large and impressive in size or amount: As a computer technician, James has proven that he has mastered the formidabilities involved with setting up many efficient electronic devices for storing and processing data systems with several big companies, as well as training the individuals who must work with them.
1. Extreme bad temper; impatience; peevishness: Mrs. Dash, Jim's teacher, was known for her hypeirritability when the class became too loud and unruly.
2. An undue response to a stimulus: Darcy's hyperirritability came apparent when he accidentally saw his father who had mistreated him as a child.
2. An undue response to a stimulus: Darcy's hyperirritability came apparent when he accidentally saw his father who had mistreated him as a child.
The quality of something that is unable to be appeased; relentlessness: The immitigability of having the two neighbours understand each other was hopeless and futile.
impalpable (adjective), more impalpable, most impalpable
1. A reference to an incapability of perceiving something by the sense of touch; intangible or untouchable: People have to accept the fact that there could be impalpable spirits because there is no way we can feel them.
2. Pertaining to something which is difficult for the mind to grasp readily or easily: The impalpable distinctions of the word meanings of homonyms can be confusing, especially for foreigners who are learning English.
3. Descriptive of something impossible to detect by touching it because it is extremely fine or small: The flour that Jim was rubbing between his fingers was so impalpable that no grit could be felt.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin directly, or via French, impalpabilis; literally, "not touchable" from in, "not" + palpare, "to touch gently".

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2. Pertaining to something which is difficult for the mind to grasp readily or easily: The impalpable distinctions of the word meanings of homonyms can be confusing, especially for foreigners who are learning English.
3. Descriptive of something impossible to detect by touching it because it is extremely fine or small: The flour that Jim was rubbing between his fingers was so impalpable that no grit could be felt.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin directly, or via French, impalpabilis; literally, "not touchable" from in, "not" + palpare, "to touch gently".